Opawica Explorations

Opawica Explorations

Pioneering the Next Canadian
Gold Rush in the Abitibi Gold Belt


Leading gold exploration from a prime vantage point in the legendary Abitibi Gold Belt, one of the world’s richest gold regions. Opawica’s properties are adjacent to the world’s major gold producers.


Opawica is a dynamic junior exploration company focused on gold discovery in Québec’s prolific Abitibi Gold Belt. Gold was first discovered in this region in the late 1800s, leading to the production of over 190 million ounces from 120 mines. Opawica’s properties are strategically located near major players like Agnico Eagle Mines and Yamana Gold. We are committed to making the next significant commercial-grade gold discovery in the region.


Prime Location for Gold Discovery

With seven active producing mines within a 10km radius, Opawica’s properties are situated along the world-renowned Cadillac-Larder Lake Break/Fault, offering vast opportunities for major gold discoveries


Impressive Past Results

Opawica has invested over $5 million in successful drilling and geotechnical programs. At our flagship Arrowhead property, historical tests have shown impressive results, with chip samples yielding up to 90.75 g/t gold (over 1 meter). We plan to drill deeper to uncover new gold-rich veins.

Cost-Effective Exploration

Opawica properties have hydro power, road access, and local accommodations, enabling sustainable and cost-effective drilling and geotechnical programs.

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Golden Opportunities Await Your Portfolio

Opawica’s Impressive Projects in the Abitibi Gold Belt.

Bazooka Property

Opawica’s Bazooka property is adjacent to Yamana Gold’s Wasamac property, which boasts a proven gold resource of 1,767,000 oz. Other gold majors, including Agnico Eagle Mines, are also nearby. Exceptional gold discoveries, drilling campaigns from 2003 to 2005 found extensive evidence of gold-bearing minerals, with concentrations reaching up to 316.23 grams per tonne over a 1-meter section.

Arrowhead Property

Opawica Arrowhead property is fully surrounded by Agnico Eagle, which operates two mines in the Abitibi Gold Belt. Its Goldex and Akasaba West mines hold 1,044,000 oz in gold reserves and produced 140,983 oz of gold in 2023. Outstanding drilling outcomes, Opawica has invested millions in past drilling programs, yielding strong results and identifying new gold-rich veins.

McWatters Property

Visible gold has been found at the Opawica McWatters property, showcasing its rich promise. Past drilling revealed impressive gold amounts, with results of 1.02 grams per tonne over nearly 1 meter and 7.79 grams per tonne over 3 meters. These findings highlight the significant potential for future gold discoveries and underscore the property's rich mineral prospects.

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