Opawica Explorations

Opawica Explorations


Bazooka Property


Key Location in the Abitibi

Opawica’s Bazooka property is adjacent to Yamana Gold’s Wasamac property, which boasts a proven gold resource of 1,767,000 oz. Other gold majors, including Agnico Eagle Mines, are also nearby.


Exceptional Gold Discoveries

Drilling campaigns from 2003 to 2005 found extensive evidence of gold bearing minerals on the property. Gold concentrations reached up to 316.23 grams per tonne over a 1-meter section in Hole #BA-03-02A. The variations in gold content highlight the potential richness of the gold present within the minerals found during these exploration efforts.


Untapped Gold Wealth

Earlier exploration suggests an abundance of untapped gold deposits deeper underground. Opawica plans to drill these promising areas using the latest survey technology.


Past Exploration Highlights High-Quality and Abundant Gold Bearing Minerals

Wasamac Gold Project
2.9 Moz Gold Resource

Agnico Eagle
2.89 Moz Gold Resource P&P

Falco Respources
2.6 Moz Gold Resource

Yorbeau Resources
410,000 oz Gold Resource

Bazooka Property
42.5 g/t Au over 4.5m

McWatters Property
7.79 g/t Au over 3m in DDH

Arrowhead Property
45.05  g/t Au over appreciable widths

In 1951-52, Eldona Gold Mines Ltd. created a 125-meter shaft and built 634 meters of tunnels, successfully reaching the fold nose (a bend in rock layers where minerals, such as gold, often concentrate) of the Cadillac Larder Lake Break.
Eldona Gold Mines infrastructures
Visible gold in OP-21-22 @ 279.45 m depth


2021 & 2022 Work

Gold Mineralization



2021 Targets Validated by 2021-2022 drilling

Cross Section Looking East (640810X)

Open Targets to dril

Long Section Looking South (5339500Y)

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