Bazooka Property

Key Location in the Abitibi
Opawica’s Bazooka property is adjacent to Yamana Gold’s Wasamac property, which boasts a proven gold resource of 1,767,000 oz. Other gold majors, including Agnico Eagle Mines, are also nearby.

Exceptional Gold Discoveries
Drilling campaigns from 2003 to 2005 found extensive evidence of gold bearing minerals on the property. Gold concentrations reached up to 316.23 grams per tonne over a 1-meter section in Hole #BA-03-02A. The variations in gold content highlight the potential richness of the gold present within the minerals found during these exploration efforts.

Untapped Gold Wealth
Earlier exploration suggests an abundance of untapped gold deposits deeper underground. Opawica plans to drill these promising areas using the latest survey technology.
Past Exploration Highlights High-Quality and Abundant Gold Bearing Minerals
- 77.18 g/t Au over 5.8m
- 7.70 g/t Au over 20.5m
- 25.77g/tAu over 7.5m
- 7.86 g/t Au over 17m

Wasamac Gold Project
2.9 Moz Gold Resource
Agnico Eagle
2.89 Moz Gold Resource P&P
Falco Respources
2.6 Moz Gold Resource
Yorbeau Resources
410,000 oz Gold Resource
Bazooka Property
42.5 g/t Au over 4.5m
McWatters Property
7.79 g/t Au over 3m in DDH
Arrowhead Property
45.05 g/t Au over appreciable widths
- Strategic location along the prolific Cadillac Fault Zone, which is associated with numerous gold deposits.
- Contiguous to the south-eastern border of Yamana Gold’s property which includes Wasamac gold deposit : Proven / Probable 1,910,000 oz, Measured/Indicated 326,000 oz, and Inferred 258,000 oz1†.
- In the 1940’s and 50’s, Eldona Gold Mines built a 125 metredeep shaft and developed 634 m of drifts. Average of back panel samples grading 0.55 oz/t over 3.5 feet by 69 feet long2†. Gold mineralization occurs within mixed, strong quartzcarbonate and talc-chlorite schists of sedimentary and ultramafic to mafic volcanic protoliths, respectively.
- The Main Zone occurs on the East limb of a drag fold and is characterized by fine specks of free gold occur locally in narrow quartz veins/stringers and highly silicified rocks, and pyrite + arsenopyrite +/- chalcopyrite +/- pyrrhotite mineralization.
- 2003-2005 drilling returned widespread gold mineralization from few hundred ppb to up to 316.23 g/t Au over 1.0m in Hole #BA-03-02A.


- 134 historic drill holes for over 30,000 meters of drilling.
- Opawica’s drill programs consisted of 5 holes for 2,172 meters and 20 holes for 5,015 meters, respectively in 2017 and 2021-2022.
- Historic mineralization has been confirmed by recent drilling.
- Bonanza grades previously drilled.
2021 & 2022 Work
- Massive drillhole data compilation, from 40’s to recent, and updated drilling database 3D Structural and geological modelling.
- Prospectivity assessment and drill target generation (A.I. SmartTARGETTM by ALS Goldspot Discoveries).
- Multi-Parameter Airborne Survey System (M-PASS) survey by GoldSpot Discoveries, including triaxial magnetometer and VLF sensors.
- DasVision 3D IP survey (Abitibi Geophysics).
- Downhole Televiewer survey (SEMM Geoservices)
- Drill Program of 5,022 meters over 21 drillholes, and 1,658 core samples.

Gold Mineralization
- Multiple mineralization zones controlled by 1) property-scale ENE steeply north-dipping shears and 2) local-scale stretching lineation of 75° East plunging.
- The East limb of the drag fold concentrates the majority of mineralization.
- Mineralization constrained within the 150-metre-wide Cadillac corridor.

- 3D Lithostructural modelling highlighted 15 structures controlling mineralization – shears in a Riedel-like shear system - intimately associated with quartz-carbonate stockwork, and talc-chlorite and carbonate material.
- Steeply north-dipping structures hosted in Archean clastic sediments and volcanic rocks, part of the fault system within the prolific strike-slip Cadillac Fault Zone.

2021 Targets Validated by 2021-2022 drilling

Open Targets to dril

- 2021 Targets generation was validated by recent 2021-2022 drill holes -> several targets remain untested.
- Next Steps 2023: integration of IP, Televiewer and geochemical results to refine the targets.
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