Opawica Explorations

Opawica Explorations


McWatters Property


Visible Gold Found: Unlocking Untapped Wealth

Visible gold has been discovered in the rock, showcasing its rich promise. Past drilling revealed impressive gold amounts, with results of 1.02 grams per tonne over nearly 1 meter and 7.79 grams per tonne over 3 meters. These findings highlight the area’s rich potential and the exciting possibilities for significant gold discoveries.

Prime Location for Gold Investment

The McWatters property is next to the eastern boundary of the Yourbeau Astoria property, known for its mining history and potential for open-pit mining, highlighting strong regional


Tapping into New Gold Discoveries

Earlier exploration suggests the presence of gold bearing minerals at depth underground. Opawica plans to drill these promising targets using the latest survey technology.

Wasamac Gold Project
2.9 Moz Gold Resource

Agnico Eagle
2.89 Moz Gold Resource P&P

Falco Respources
2.6 Moz Gold Resource

Yorbeau Resources
410,000 oz Gold Resource

Bazooka Property
42.5 g/t Au over 4.5m

McWatters Property
7.79 g/t Au over 3m in DDH

Arrowhead Property
45.05  g/t Au over appreciable widths


Gold can be seen in the rock formations on the property. Past drilling has shown promising gold concentrations, with results of 1.02 grams per tonne over nearly 1 meter and 7.79 grams per tonne over 3 meters. These findings suggest significant gold presence and potential for more discoveries. The property is next to the Yourbeau Astoria site, which has a history of mining and a deep shaft extending 515 meters. Yourbeau is looking into open-pit mining, showing strong interest and investment in this gold-rich area. The McWatters property has seen limited exploration but has identified gold both on the property and nearby. These discoveries hint at untapped potential for future gold finds, making McWatters a promising target for more exploration.

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