McWatters Property
- McWatters is continuous to the Long Bars Zone Break, the Yorbeau Rouyn property and the Granada Gold Property that contains a 2,332,000 oz Au resource
- McWatters has easy access for exploration and a historical drill hole on the property retuned 7.79 g/t Au over 3 meters
- Past exploration work on the property includes a MMI survey, walking IP and soil sampling
- Visible Gold Reported
- All associated with quartz veins in deformation zones.
- 1.02 g/t Au over 0.91 meters
- 7.79 g/t Au over 3 meters
- Contiguous with the east boundary of the Yourbeau Astoria property where past mining has extended a shaft to 515 metres below surface and Yourbeau has been evaluating the potential for open-pit mining.
- The McWatters property has seen limited past exploration but several gold showings have been identified both within and in the surrounding area.

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